
HUD 1.1 + RSS

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html5: MEDIA_ELEMENT_ERROR: Format error


Uploaded on 29.07.2013 @ 05:01
Clip Type : Interactive
Clip Style : Typography, Graphics, 3D, Generative
Tags : contest text darkness organism font screenshot earth graphics atmosphere visual effects midnight world sky special effects night space medical imaging radiology

This is rather an interactive demo than it is a VJ-clip. The setup utilizes Resolume Arena, Quartz Composer, Ableton Live and an RSS Feed of choice. Open up the als-file in Live, the avc-file in Resolume Arena (reconnect the mp3 on layer 3, the qtz-files on layer 2 and a clip of your choice on layer 1) and start "MIDI-Bridge-60000-". Now start playback in Ableton and trigger one of the three clips inside Resolume (layer 2) together with layer1 and layer3.

The HUD on the left reacts to MIDI CC 118 and 119 from Ableton on channel 16 – e.g. the DJs Poti dialing in a flanger.
The News Feed on the lower right side is an RSS-parser that can be set from within Arena. Just copy any RSS-address into the respective field "URL". For example http://www.tagesschau.de/xml/rss2. The text-color and the time each message is visible can be set separately from within Arena.
The same applies for the "VDMX" in the upper left corner. I used it for the effect the DJ dials in, e.g. "delay".
The Glitch (using Vades v002 plugin "Analog Glitch" ;) pops up randomly.
The ink-drop clip in the background is a separate dxv-clip to illustrate the HUD-like interface composed on top of a regular clip.
The file "MIDI-Bridge-60000-" or "OSC-Bridge-60000-" need to run in the background (inside Quartz not Arena) if you want to run to qtz-files simultaneously that receive messages via MIDI or OSC. Inside Arena you can't assign the same port to two running clips at the same time – e.g. "HUD 1.1.qtz" and "HUD RSS.qtz".
The file "OSC-Generator-7004-" simulates OSC-messages to try the setup without the need for Ableton Live.

The "HUD 1.1" is quite heavy at the moment. So don't wonder if the fps goes low. I will need clean up the patch later to optimize its performance.
The clip was recorded at around 15fps.

Happy "patching"!

Music: "Marie Smoke" by Jonathan Regler @ https://soundcloud.com/jonathanregler/mariesmoke

Jonathan Regler | http://jonathanregler.de/
BIOMOTIONS | http://tschoepler.net/2013/03/biomotions/
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Excellent work dude!

cannabachus on 31.07.2013 @ 02:31

Fantastic work!!!

Jeremy Cooper on 29.07.2013 @ 10:01

No Remixes yet:
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