
text light laser

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html5: MEDIA_ELEMENT_ERROR: Format error

Visual Rail

Uploaded on 09.03.2013 @ 18:06
Clip Type : raw Footage, studio Mix
Clip Style : Video, Graphics, 3D
Tags : blue text light font darkness organism line graphic design graphics electric blue symmetry neon sign logo special effects

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Thanks! This I have created it with Quartz Composer.I've composed a mesh flat and I've added lfo on several coordinates and have added text with effect a laser. This plan I have mixed it with Co.Ge put in a cube and added of the effects light. Excuse me Google speaks English for me!

Visual Rail on 11.03.2013 @ 22:12

nice effect, how did you make it?

visualizard on 11.03.2013 @ 13:29

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