Uploads of user "ricoparis"

Fx Movement • Quartz composer (JellyFish Tentacles)

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pedro navarro

Uploaded on 25.08.2014 @ 12:53
Clip Type : raw Footage, Interactive
Clip Style : Video, Graphics, Generative, Dome
Tags : fireworks purple violet organism event graphics sky darkness special effects public event

Quartz composer Composition by Fx Movement Visuals

Music: Ilya Beshevli - Night Forest (Live old Piano)
Composición creada a partir del Rope QCPlugin de 1024.
Los diferentes tentáculos reaccionan con las frecuéncias de audio selecconadas mientras que la fluidez de los movimientos dependen a su vez de los BPM del Audio al que reacciónan.
Composition created from the Rope QCPlugin of 1024.
The different tentacles react to the Selected Frequencies of audio while to the fluidity of the movements depends as well on the BPM of the Audio one
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