

00:00 00:00

html5: MEDIA_ELEMENT_ERROR: Format error


Uploaded on 26.10.2016 @ 02:08
Clip Type : raw Footage
Clip Style : Video
Tags : triangle black purple text violet font line magenta symmetry signage graphics pink circle square angle graphic design logo symbol light

HAP, 4 second Loop, After Effects, every beat. Same But Triangle.
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Since VideoPong has some issues with the DXV3 Codec, I am using the (free and just as good) HAP codec.
Get it here: https://github.com/vidvox/hap-qt-codec/releases/

Westbam on 09.12.2016 @ 13:45

hey dude i could not get your submission to work. I downloaded both versions and tried to convert them in premier which they did not upload, and then i tried to use them in resolume and they both would not load in. Any way you could throw up a new link?

Jordan Ruzic on 09.12.2016 @ 08:51

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